
Valentine's Kecks 😍

Get ready for V-Day!

We are heading for February and Valentine's Day, we have picked our competition winners, and we have some new style & pattern combos.

His 'n' Hers Watermelons for Valentine's Right on the back of our new Watermelon Kecks for men, we have made some in the women's boxers style to. The perfect Valentine's gift - his 'n' hers Kecks!

Competition: we have a winner!We have picked the winner of our Kecks holiday competition. It was no easy task - there were some great pictures of Kecks lovers enjoying the sun. After a lot of deliberation, we have picked a favourite - below. It shows a gang of students at Plett Rage, all decked out in Watersports Kecks. Well done to the two guys who organised it - your voucher is on the way!

New style / colour combosAs noted above, we have added women's boxers in Watermelon to complement the men's version. We've also got women's boxers in Poppy Field, and finally you can now buy Helmets in Kids Kecks. And if you'd like to get Dad a pair to match, then you will find them discounted here, at R345! We have been restocking KIds XS too for 8-10 year olds, and we have more plain Kecks: Back in Black and Snowstorm (white).

Finding your sizeYou can filter the collection you are looking at on the site by size so you can find what you want. Where it says "Filter", select "In stock" under availability, and then the size you are looking for. Only those styles with that size available will show up.

Where to BuyThe largest selection of Kecks will always be on our website, but some people prefer to shop IRL, so you can always find our retailers and markets on our site under "Where to Buy".

If you have any feedback, or you would like to ask anything, please email us.To follow Kecks on Instagram or Facebook, click the appropriate link at the bottom of this mail.

Watersports in Plett

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