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Black Friday deals

Last day to shop deals

Time's ticking Kecks enthusiasts - our Black Friday deals are slipping away!

You've got just one day left to take advantage of the Rhinos and Sunrise deals before their prices shimmy back up. So if you’d like to experience the comfort of our anti-chafe, quick-dry Kecks at a significantly discounted price: buy a pair of Kecks Rhinos or Kecks Sunrise (or both) and enter the code Friday20 into the discount code box at checkout. You will get 20% off every pair of Rhinos or Sunrise that you buy.

Last chance today!

Finding your size

You can filter the collection you are looking at on the site by size so you can find what you want. Where it says "Filter", select "In stock" under availability, and then the size you are looking for. Only those styles with that size available will show up.

Where to Buy

The largest selection of Kecks will always be on our website, but some people prefer to shop IRL, so you can always find our retailers and markets on our site under "Where to Buy".

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