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  • SALE! New! and Ladies for you

SALE! New! and Ladies for you

Some things on sale, some things brand new, and ladies, we have something new for you too!


If you’re looking to pick up a pair of Kecks for a discounted price check out our sale section now. Stocks are limited so be quick!

New Designs

We’ve just released two brand new designs:

Rugby Red: They say horizontal stripes make you look bigger – you be the judge, but we think this traditional stipe looks great in red and blue. 

Striped Ass: Step into the wild with Zebra-patterned Kecks. These stripes aren’t just for show they deliver untamed style and comfort too. Warning: May cause sudden urges to spint majestically :-)

You’ll find these and our other new designs here.

Ladies Bokke

For all of those ladies who love the Bokke. We’ve just released Ladie’s Boxers in the Bokke print. Inspired by World Cup triumphs these feature South African bok (Springbok, Sable, Tsessebe, Kudu and Waterbuck - see if you can find them) in a familiar pattern.

These are also available in mens and kids - so your support can be a family affair :-)

Finding your size

You can filter the collection you are looking at on the site by size so you can find what you want. Where it says "Filter", select "In stock" under availability, and then the size you are looking for. Only those styles with that size available will show up.

Where to Buy

The largest selection of Kecks will always be on our website, but some people prefer to shop IRL, so you can always find our retailers and markets on our site under "Where to Buy".

If you have any feedback, or you would like to ask anything, please email us. To follow Kecks on Instagram or Facebook, click the appropriate link at the bottom of this mail.

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